Africa has one of the most thriving startup ecosystems in the world. That’s certainly not a surprise since the countries are developing, the avarage age is low and there are many daily probems to be solved. An inital situation that is, on one hand, very problematic. On the other hand, we believe, it is a ground for innovation and improvement if necessary resouces are given to young african entrepreneurs.
Reason enough for us to head to three of the most rising countries in East Africa: Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. 10 motivated Pioneers from the PionierGarage are visiting startups, incubators and other centers for entrepreneurship for more than two weeks. Our mission is not only to get to know the culture, but to also share experiences, ideas and visions with local Entrepreneurs.
We are taking off in the beginning of April and are exited already. If you have connections to any of the startup ecosystems, please share them with us.
02 April 2019 – 07 April 2019
08 April 2019 – 12 April 2019
13 April 2019 – 17 April 2019
Motivated pioneers
Startups visited
Days abroad
Kilometers traveled
10 members of PionierGarage, Germany's largest university club focused on entrepreneurship, located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany, are going to visit three of the world's most innovative regions in Africa: Nairobi, Kampala and Kigali. To find out more about our entrepreneurship club at Germany's leading technical university, head over to our homepage or contact us on info@pioniergarage.de to become part of the tour as a supporter, partner, sponsor or Startup/VC to be visited. We're looking forward to meeting inspiring people!
Africa is a continent with a very young average population-age. The potential in the startup-scene is huge. Therefore we want to take the chance to meet up with one of the greatest entrepreneur in Africa.
A lot of countries in Africa belong to the fastest growing economies in the world, increasing the importance of the continent year by year. There is still a lot of challenges to be overcome, but with a young population there is a huge potential for innovation and future orientated development. I want to meet a lot of interesting people with great ideas and the ambition to have an impact in their country and later on, the world.
As an entrepreneurship enthusiast, I love talking to founders. I want to learn how to sucessfully build startups. I'm really looking forward to our East Africa startup tour because we will hopefully learn a lot about the challenges and opportunities of developing new business ideas in Africa.
After getting to know many German start-ups I am very interested in talking about the challenges of a completely different ecosystem on another continent. Furthermore, I am looking forward to the intercultural exchange and the meeting of many interesting founders and personalities.
East Africa is one of the fastest growing startup ecosystems. Young entrepreneurs in Africa have the possibility to create new solutions for the problems still existing worldwide. Therefore, I am enthusiastic to meet many interesting founders and to get insights into the local startup scene.